Tuesday, March 16, 2010

savory bread pudding

When I read recipes for "savory bread pudding," I always balk a little bit -- bread pudding is just supposed to be sweet, right? In my head, I always think of these recipes as "strata," even though that might not be quite the right word.

Anyhow, I made Eating Well's Savory Bread Pudding with Spinach and Mushrooms for dinner last night:

Delicious! I'm starting to think The Essental Eating Well Cookbook needs to go on my "to buy" list . . . I checked it out from the library last weekend, and I don't want to give it back! There are so many recipes I want to try, and the ones I've tried so far have all been fantastic!

What cookbook have you discovered (or re-discovered) recently?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks so good! I love checking Eating Well for recipes online, but I didn't know there was a cookbook.