Sunday, September 26, 2010

produce NOW!

Even though I am still feeling under the weather, yesterday turned out to be an absolutely lovely day! Dan and I hit the Farmer's Market, co-op, and Asian grocery store in the morning, before coming home and enjoying leftovers from Friday night's dinner for lunch. We spent some time being bums at home before heading downtown for the afternoon -- we stopped at the bank, Target, and doodled around at the library for over an hour, before coming back home to relax some more.

I made a FABULOUS dinner last night -- tofu quiche, (which looks a mess, since it didn't completely set up for me, but it still tastes fabulous,) corn on the cob (the last of the season,) and a huge green salad, packed full of the end of the season's freshest. At the last minute, we invited Dan's brother over for dinner, so as I'm prone to do when we have people over, I completely forgot to snap a photo.

However, I re-created our dessert from last night for this morning's breakfast, so I have at least a little something to show you!

Two-berry shortcakes! Yum! Dan and I picked up some blackberries and raspberries at the FM in the morning, which I tossed with a drop of agave, gobbed over broken up scones from Vegan with a Vengeance, and smothered with heavy cream whipped with a squirt of agave and a little vanilla extract. SO fresh and sweet and healthy and delicious! Mmmmmmm. Not a bad breakfast, either. :)

During the course of our meal, we decided the meal's theme was "produce NOW!" The different components of the meal didn't make all that much sense together, but all used copius amounts of fresh, in-season, local produce. Why not? More of us should take a "produce NOW" approach to cooking, eh?

I have an equally lazy Sunday ahead of me, here . . . not much on the agenda besides a little cooking and a mountain of laundry. Enjoy your day!

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